8 Common Toxic Household Plants

8 Common Toxic Household Plants

Once you adopt your new furry friend, it’s important to make sure his/her home is kept safe.There are numerous houseplants out there toxic to your cat or dog. Your dogs/cats are incredibly curious animals and they will try and eat anything they can get their paws on.

Here are 8 Common Toxic Plants to keep an eye out:

    1. Dieffenbachia – While this plant can be one of the easiest plants to grow, it also contains Calcium Oxalate crystals so be careful if you have a playful dog or cat. Symptoms include burning of the mouth, excessive drooling and vomiting.Common Poisonous Houseplants
    2. Aloe – although it has many medicinal uses, aloe can be poisonous when ingested. If you decide to run this on yourself after a sunburn, keep the gooey sap clear from view.Common Poisonous Household Plants
    3. Arrowhead Plant – This very common houseplant can be moderately toxic to pets. The plants sap contains Calcium Oxalate which can be fairly harmful if ingested.


      Common Poisonous Household Plants

    4. Calla Lily – These beautiful plants can make a great addition to a home with their vibrant colors. They can also, however, be fairly poisonous for both cats and dogs. When eaten or chewed, signs and symptoms may occur immediately.


      Common Poisonous Household Plants

    5.  ZZ Plant – Much like the arrowhead, the ZZ Plant contains Calcium Oxalate crystals. While it may not cause death, it can irritate your pet’s mouth and tongue and cause vomiting.Common Poisonous Household Plants
    6. Jade Plant – The Jade Plant is a kind of succulent that is incredibly easy to keep alive though you’ll want to keep it away from your pet. Ingesting this plant is not quite severe, however, it can consist of nausea and retching.Common Poisonous Household Plants
    7. Dracaena fragrans – This plant is what I normally think of when picturing a houseplant. Although beautifully simple…y’all know the drill; keep it away from your pets! Symptoms include vomiting (often with blood), depression, and a lack of appetite.Common Poisonous Household Plants
    8. Eucalyptus – This fragrant plant can be fairly dangerous to dogs. The eucalyptus oil in the plant can trigger lethargy and depression. Even the smell of eucalyptus oil can trigger the symptoms.Common Poisonous Household Plants

Keep your furry friend happy and healthy. Research any plants you have now and make sure they won’t be harmful to your pet. Did I miss a common plant we should all be aware of?? Comment below!

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